마지막 로그인 : 오래전
안녕하세요, 뭐든 다 해내는 백엔드 개발 희망하는 비전공자입니다.
(24.12.12) [PushEvent] https://github.com/3watt/OrbbecSDK_ROS1 - Update from porter 3wntdev99/Baekjoon
This is an auto push repository for Baekjoon Online Judge created with [BaekjoonHub]wntdev99/FCLCA
Feedback-based Curriculum Learning for Collision Avoidancewntdev99/SeoWebApplication
Introducing a responsive web application that gives you feedback on your SEO by simply entering the address of a blog post.wntdev99/telegram_flexbe_app
This is a flexbe application that executes commands to the Kobuki robot via messages received from Telegram.wntdev99/telegram_ros
This is a package that allows ROS to communicate with Telegram.wntdev99/wntdev99
Config files for my GitHub profile.